Sunday, February 21, 2010

Run-python From Batch Run Python From Batch File?

Run Python from Batch File? - run-python from batch

I have run a simple Python file "" Search for a location for a specific text on this file to the command prompt, type open:

Change is cd C: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ file "/ / of the directory where the script
" Python" / / gives me the invitation to the site name with the text I'm typing in the search followed

Then I type: "", "images"

The search for the text "image" and gives me a reading of the text if found. Works great. But wan't to run a batch file to use to do the same, so you do not write this in the CMD for the word "pictures" on Google. I can not, orand batch file, even when working properly. Ideas?

1 comment:

blessed_... said...

I'm running Linux, so I must remember how Windoze box. I think the name of the script:


Double-clicking opens a Python shell, without prompting. In this way, you do not have cd C: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ folder [not 100% sure of] this part

The python should
import os, sys

# Define two string values as a tuple
Values = ( '', 'Pictures')
# Or a value as a string

code = "% s photos"

# The tuple in the chain code is
What the # os.system accept the string as a command in the terminal
(Code values os.system%)

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